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Member Benefits

Engagement Level Options Trustee


Chairman's Club

401+ Employees


101-400 Employees

Business Gold

31-100 Employees


0-30 Employees

  $6,910 $2,900 $1,200 $725 $395
Business Directory Listing on Website x x x x x
Access to Chamber Social Networks (More Than 18,000 connections) x x x x x
Receive Timely Chamber & Business E-News Weekly x x x x x
Member Recognition Decal x x x x x
Free Job Postings & Event Listings on Website x x x x x
Brochure Placement in Chamber's Welcome Center x x x x x
200-Character Description on Website Listing x x x x x
Pro-Business Advocacy with Local & State Issues x x x x x
Opportunity for Constant Contact
& Office Depot Discounts
x x x x x
Opportunity for Additional Advertising
& Sponsorships at Chamber Events
x x x x x
Two Business Listings In Online Business Directory x x x x
Chamber Mailing Database in Excel Format Annually x x x x
Ribbon Cutting Services for Business Milestones x x x x
Free Use of Chamber Conference Room Quarterly x x x
Two Category Listings in Online Business Directory x x x
Four Business Listings in Online Business Directory x x x
15% Discount on Chamber Advertising x x x
10% Discount on Multiple Chamber Sponsorships x x x
Enhanced Website Listing  including
a 1600-Character  Description & Images
x x x
Ribbon Cutting Services for Any Occasion x x x
25% Discount for Weekly Inquiry List x x x
Special Recognition at Annual Banquet x x
Facebook Post on Chamber Page By Request 3X/Year x x
Free Use of Chamber Conference Room Monthly x x
Two Free Admissions to Monthly Networking Events x x
Submission of Nominations to Chamber Board x x
Company Recognition on Plaque in Welcome Center x x
12 Business Listings in Online Business Directory x x
25% Discount on Chamber Advertising x x
15% Discount on Multiple Chamber Sponsorships x x
Material Placement in Relocation Package x x
Four Admissions to Awards Party & Wine Pairing Dinner x
Six Free Admissions to Monthly Networking Events x
Annual Breakfast/Lunch Sponsorship x
Golf Team, Hole Sponsor in Annual Golf Tournament x
Logo on Banner Displayed at All Chamber Events x

To request an application, please contact our membership consultant at (850) 837-6241 or

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